Are you ready to heal your inner people-pleaser, quieten your inner-critic, strengthen your self-confidence and build courage?

It’s time to let go of the old identity you have of yourself and finally embrace your full worth to create a life that feels fulfilling and nourishing.


Services & Programs

Work With Me 1:1

Here is the deal. I know it feels strange to commit to any sort of therapy or support with someone new. I totally get that! This is why I offer a single first session – which includes an in-depth consultation and a full healing session. This gives us both a chance to see if we’re a good fit and if my methods resonate with you. (I can’t use all of my methods in one session but you’ll get a good idea of how I work.) From there, you can book onto a longer package if you choose. There will never be any pressure to buy. Healing and letting go of your old identity is not something anyone should convince you into doing. It’s something you will know is right for you when the time comes. Whatever path you choose, I’m so excited for your healing journey ahead.

Consultation & First Session

Are you curious to see what your healing journey will look like with me but not wanting to commit to the full program? I totally get it. This is your way to get a taste of working through your wounds, your patterns, subconscious limitations and start to uncover who you really are. (Spoiler alert: it’s not who you think you are right now.)
We have a thorough consultation and you get to experience a full healing session of Root Cause Therapy.
Loved it? You can continue on your healing journey by booking onto the 8-week program if it feels right.
Even if you choose not to, you’ll still have gotten big shifts just from this one session and you can continue on your healing journey through another path.

This service includes:
One full 1:1 healing session (2 hrs)
(including consultation discussion)
*You will need to fill out the Client Intake Form below and I’ll be in touch after it’s submitted so you can book in your session.

8-week Package

Are you ready to dive in and finally heal your inner wounds? This is an 8-week program not to be underestimated. In 8 weeks, we go deep into your stored and suppressed subconscious beliefs and patterns, releasing them one by one, so that you can finally feel free from what has been weighing you down for far too long. I meet you where you’re at, making my program bespoke to your needs and your healing journey. (There is never a one-size-fits-all approach to healing.)
We will work with your unconscious mind and your energy body (somatic therapy) to uproot the key source of your blocks in life. With 8 x 1:1 sessions, you’ll be well on your way on your healing journey. This is a therapeutic healing experience like no other using a combination of powerful therapies and modalities.

This service includes:
8 x 90 min 1:1 healing sessions
(including consultation discussion)
Messaging support in between sessions
Support resources
Payment plan available
*Please book a free consultation call with me so we can make sure we are a good fit for each other.


Let’s Chat!

Not sure what you need? No problem. Let’s hop on a free clarity call and let’s figure it out together. There is never any pressure to buy on the call.

Why work with me?
Good question!

You can get a coach for just about anything these days – but why choose to work with me? Well, let me answer that question for you.

I used to be a people-pleaser, perfectionist and self-doubter and spent decades feeling unsatisfied and holding myself back.

And. It. Was. Exhausting.

I had no self-identity other than being ‘nice’, I was afraid to ‘rock the boat’ and I felt like life wasn’t living up to what I truly wanted out of it.

I went through a lot of healing, releasing and transforming and came out the other end knowing who I was, embodying my full worth and making bold changes in my life. And I have never looked back!

I now have self-confidence, found my purpose, live by my values, take up space and I don’t ask for permission to be me.

‘But is she qualified to help me?’

I’m a trained and certified hypnotherapist (from one of the world’s most respected hypnotists), A Root Cause Therapy practitioner, Master Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner and NLP coach, Time Line Therapy practitioner, certified Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner and certified Reiki Master (Level III). I’ve got some tools up my sleeve!

BUT…you can find many other coaches that have certificates. What you really want is someone that knows what it’s like to be where you’re at. Someone that has gone through what you’re going through and has first-hand experience and not just read about it in a book.

I’m here to stop you from experiencing self-doubt, from making BS excuses why you can’t have the life you want, and to help release you from your past so you can start to live in the now and create the future you truly want.

No more fitting into the cookie-cutter mould that you think the world expects you to. It’s time to shift your identity and take up space! It’s time you felt truly confident, worthy and empowered to live with intention. It’s time to let go of the past and all that is holding you back.

I work with your unconscious mind, your body and your energy and go to the root of the problem. That’s where the change happens. That’s where we find YOU.

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